About Me

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I am an explorer and runner who loves the outdoors, lavender, crochet, knitting, trying anything once, defiantly being truthful to myself at all costs. I enjoy nature, listening to birds chirp outside my window in Brooklyn and riding through upstate NY listening to country music. I'm fascinated with bugs and all types of insects. FYI dragonflies are my favorite .. I enjoy spending summer days beach combing, hiking and always being aware of mother nature. I am currently researching my genealogy and sometimes I find time to read about history and politics (both national and global). I support environmental causes and strive to live a more green life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MY First Project

I was so excited to start my first project. I had just finished reading "The Happy Hooker" by Debbie Stoller. I was ready to go.
I chose to make the "granny's no square" pattern from "The Happy Hooker". I went to Stitch Therapy with my book in hand to get my yarn and hook. With Maxine's help I picked out a fabulous organic cotton and a G hook.

Then I attended a class at "Stitch Therapy" I took this project to work on. It was a little confusing at first. The teacher was trying to help me and she was a "righty". She kept crocheting in the opposite direction on MY project as me. LOL

This pattern is easy to follow. I took it a step at a time so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. I made my 12 gorgeous motifs, then followed the pattern to put them together. I went to the local hardware store and bought big silver key rings to use on the strap of the purse. I am going to put a bright, colorful lining with a pocket and add some rivets.
Here is a picture of the finished project minus the lining and rivets.

Thanks to Stitch Therapy for the picture of my purse.

Monday, June 15, 2009

learning to left-hand crochet

Hello all my fellow hookers and knitters.
I wanted to give a little background as to how I came to crochet. I grew up down south in North Carolina. Both my grandmothers and mother were crafty people. My "Nannie" taught me to chain but that is about it. I could never sit still long enough for much more. lol.

My sister Tia crochets and mentioned "The Happy Hooker" by Debbie Stoller one day when I called her from Barnes and Noble. I bought the book and wondered if I would find any yarn shops or crochet help here in Brooklyn, NY where I have lived for 15+ years.

WOW was I wrong. There is an entire crochet and knitting community. I found the most adorable boutique of fine yarn with an amazing owner. It is called Stitch Therapy, located in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn. The owner is Maxine DeGouttes.
I was hooked (excuse the pun) the moment I walked in. Maxine DeGouttes is very helpful and kind. With her help I picked out my first yarn which was Noro Taiyo (see the swatch above). It is a fascinating mix of fiber: silk 40%, 30% silk, 15% wool, 15% nylon. Next I needed a hook. Maxine recommended a M hook. Then Maxine taught me how to do the single crochet before I left the store. So I left with my fine yarn and hook, then proceeded to spend the next week single crocheting. Within a week I was back at stitch therapy yearning to learn more. I signed up for a class although by the time the class rolled around Maxine had already taught me to crochet at the lovely table in her shop. She even crocheted left-handed to better teach me.
She is my crochet mentor and I am forever grateful to her for teaching me to crochet. THANK YOU Maxine from the bottom of my heart!!